Library Random Connections between Midlands and Berkshire described as “reinvigorating, enlightening and rewarding.” page thumbnail

‘Random Connections’ hosted by MPFT Library and Knowledge Services helped to create connections between staff across different Trusts.  

More than 150 Staff from MPFT and BHFT took part in a virtual Random Connections event that encouraged networking and meeting new people.  Random Connections provided a way to share knowledge, meet people in a similar Trust, and broaden understanding of other teams’ work. Users found the event to be a great way to discuss practices, make new friends and relax from the normal day to day.

  • “I really enjoyed the experience; it was great to get a different perspective and I now have some fresh ideas to bring to my next Team Meeting of things that have worked well in another service in a different trust. We have already arranged a follow up coffee break in 2 months’ time.”
  • “I was matched with someone outside of BHFT and what a super match, we so much to catch up and learn from one another - it was a great opportunity!”
  • “It was great to meet someone new from a different trust. We chatted about similarities and differences in the trusts we work. I learned more about her role, projects she was involved in which sounded really interesting. We also had a natter about family, life, interests and experiences.”
  • “Reinvigorating, friendly and engaging.”

If you want to find out when the next Random Connections event is taking place, make sure to contact the library:

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ST16 3AG

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Redwoods Library

The Redwoods Centre,
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