Library and Knowledge Services help our staff access quality information and evidence to make informed decisions about patient care and service delivery.  Our services support evidence-based practice, education, life-long learning, research and information for service users and carers.

You can access virtual services straight away if you work for MPFT or are on placement in MPFT.  

Almost all our services are online. We also have two site libraries, one at St. George's Hospital in Stafford, and one at The Redwoods Centre in Shrewsbury.

Get in touch to find out how the library can support you in your work, study and continuing professional development: Email the library:

Places to search for information:

Searching: Health and Care Evidence

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Keep up to date with news from the library

Library and Knowledge Services Contact Details

Follow the Library on Twitter.

Email us:

Library spaces and online services available 24/7.

Library staff available remotely Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, and on site Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.


Stafford Library

St. George's Hospital,
Corporation Street,
ST16 3AG

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Telephone: 01785 221584 (ext 7128908)

Redwoods Library

The Redwoods Centre,
Somerby Drive,

what3words: ///flinches.waving.then

Telephone: 01743 210110 (ext 7064162)