Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID

If your article reference includes a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier) or PubMed ID number (PMID), you can use this search box to check for full text access before filling in the request form below.

Quick request form

The quick request form is the fastest way to request a journal article or book chapter (with an MPFT login or using a Trust device).

The image below also links to the quick request form – you can click this image to visit the form online:

Quick article and book chapter request form screenshot displaying the form questions to answer when requesting an article or chapter.

Please use the form below if you are unable to access the quick request form.


Request form

Request a journal article or book chapter (without an MPFT login or Trust device) using the form below.


Your Details

Organisation Required
Care Group Required

Copyright Declaration

  1. I have not previously been supplied with a copy of the same material by you or any other librarian.
  2. I will not use this copy except for research that is not for commercial purposes or private study and will not supply a copy of it to any other person.
  3. To the best of my knowledge no other person with whom I work or study has made or intends to make, at or about the same time as this request, a request for substantially the same material for substantially the same purpose.
  4. I understand that I shall be liable for infringement of copyright as if I had made the copy myself.

We will aim to supply you with a copy you may share with others but sometimes may only be able to obtain a non-sharing copy.

Please tick the most appropriate box: Required

Privacy Policy

The LKS will use the data you have supplied to provide you with article request services, including seeking feedback. We will not share this data outside the library. The library will hold your data securely. To see what data the LKS holds about you, update the data, or ask for your data to be deleted, please contact the library.

For full details, see the Library Privacy Notice.


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ST16 3AG

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Somerby Drive,

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